Monday, August 24, 2009
peace and love
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Eating Raw..feeling raw
However, the past few months have been harder than I had admitted to.. I tended to suppress my feelings by drinking and eating or whatever I felt like. I think I was more vulnerable than I realized, more "needy" than I wanted to be. And to be honest I'm not very proud of some of the things I did. I'll just leave it at that..
So I wanted to cleanse myself both emotionally and physically. I was talking to a good friend of mine who is a raw vegan. Yep only raw fruits and vegetables.. hard right? Nope, not at all, at least not the eating part.. the feeling part was a whole different story. It's weird when you don't have "comfort" food or alcohol to run to when you're feeling down, something to numb you to "get you through" that rough patch.
I learned some things in those 13 days.. (random number of days that I did it before going to Omaha) I learned that I had so things that were blocking me from moving on, things maybe I knew but didn't want to admit. So I challenged myself to work through it and continue to do so every day.
Oh yeah now I'm a vegetarian.. Except for sushi, but really the whole experience of eating sushi is more spiritual than a meal right? So this is how I feel today.. who knows what tomorrow will bring??
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sometimes it's hard because we are spread out geographically. I miss the luxury of just stopping by to say hi.. or going to dinner. But now that baseball is over, my weekends are free again to schedule some new adventures. I like being spontaneous and it's summer time.. which means, 4th of July parties, boating weekends, BBQs, rides, runs etc. Man I love my life and look forward to the good times ahead.
peace and love to all
Monday, May 18, 2009
Is today Great?
Remember you can't turn back time, "so how do you want to spend your day?"
Is today great for you?
Friday, May 1, 2009
One of those people..
Within the last 6 months, my partner and I split, I moved, I lost my job and I lost a good friend. Silver lining?? I was able to become "one of those people". Someone who was able to ride their bike every morning, meet friends in the middle of the day just because and spend quality time with friends and family.
I've met some new people along the way, got to know others better, worked through some challenging times and feel very fortunate to have had this time. I start a new job on Monday and am excited to learn something new. Although my schedule won't be as flexible, my time with friends and family will still be a priority. Because at the end of the day I don't think anybody says.. I wish I would have worked more..
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Jackson Adventure
It had been beautiful, sunny, blue skies and warm. Needless to say, Tuesday happened to be one of the coldest days of the week. But hey it's an adventure so off we went.. Of course Lisa said, she was only going because it's what Katy would have wanted her to do. And by looking at her bundled up I'm sure she wasn't kidding;)
Lisa and Kirby
Amador county has several wineries, but we stayed in Jackson which is a about 25 minutes south of all of them. Hey no worries, let's go check out downtown Jackson.. that took all of 2 minutes to drive through. And we learned that most things are closed, Mon, Tues, Wed.. how do people stay in business??Off we went to Sutter Creek, a cute little town , 10 minutes away. Had some lunch at the Palace, then walked down the street to wine taste at the only place that was open for wine tasting. However before the wine tasting we had stopped at a few Antique stores, Subrina is a big fan, it's something she and Katy shared and appreciated together.
As we were looking around, we started talking to a local, we were telling her we are going to walk to downtown Jackson and check out the local bar. She was adamant about us not going.. that we should drive 15-20 minutes away and go to St. George in Volcano. She had lived there all her life and had never gone in. What?? Well then for sure we have to check it out right?
In town, Lisa and Subrina stopped at a book store. Lisa likes to check out books, pick up ones that she needs to replace in her library. Odd thing is as she went inside Subrina was looking at the books outside, okay Subrina looking at books isn't the odd part :) It's the book that Subrina finds, "What Katy did at School".. throughout the day there were signs that Katy was with us.
All in all it was a good trip, we created new memories and have more stories to tell.. isn't that what life is about? Take adventures.. whether it's an afternoon, a day or a week go out there and make new memories with your friends and family.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Santa Cruz 10k
So Christine did it for her girls and we did it for Christine. So off I went.. driving 6 hours to run 6 miles. But I was excited to see Christine, Candi and Subrina and I had never been to Santa Cruz. It was a beautiful weekend in northern california, we walked on the boardwalk, laughed and told stories as always enjoying our time together. Sunday morning we woke up bright and early for our run along the beach. Don't know if it was the will to compete, the will to finish, or just the fact that we were able to, we all got our personal bests.
Me, Subrina & Christine happy we're done
Monday, March 16, 2009
Moab Moutain Bike Ride
We were exhausted!
It's the simple things that make Subrina happy.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Last day of Skinny Tire weekend
Maria and Subrina being silly
Ride to Dead Horse Point
Team KatyStrong at the top of Dead Horse Point
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Festival Celebration
Ride along Colorado River
Subrina and Maria
Jamie, Christine & Candi
Morning of Day 1 Ride
Subrina didn't want to get out of the car.
The Wall of Honor was a board that had pictures of people who are battling cancer and people who haven't been so fortunate. There was a lot of love in the room for all the friends and family on the wall.
Team KatyStrong, Maria, me, Christine, Jamie, Candi and Subrina.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Road trip to Moab
How many hours to Moab from Vegas? Only 6 1/2 hours.. we figure maybe 7 since we're pulling the trailer. Uuummm yeah, traffice, a few restroom breaks, a stop for lunch and a mere 9 hours later we rolled into Moab. It was one of the longest drives ever.. luckily for us Maria and Roseanna were coming from Colorado, which really did only 6 1/2 hours. So by the time we arrived at the condo they had dinner ready. Thank you Maria and Roseanna!