Pics of Katy

This is how it all started, I have friends that are supportive and friends that are competitive. At times I would think why can't we just do these events for fun? It was never like that with this group of gals, especially for Subrina. But the day we found out that Katy was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer we all became the supportive kind. It was a blow to us, we thought no way this could be happening. It's something we hear about, not live through. It's been a year and a half since Katy's diagnosis and we're left with her memories. But I know one thing Katy would be proud of, and that's the fact that we've all stayed friends and have made new ones along the way. Our mission is simple, it's to help spread awareness for early detection of Ovarian cancer. All of our friends will be doing events, runs, cycling, wine tasting, beerfests (hey competition is competition!) and along the way we'll be spreading the word.Stay tuned for what stories we learn along the way! Katy was an amazing, inspiring person who truely lived life to the fullest. We love and miss you much.

Monday, August 24, 2009


It's been awhile since I've posted, been really busy working on our Courage Against Cancer website. ( We've been trying to raise awareness about ovarian cancer for the past 8 months and have come along way. Then a month ago a co-worker/friend of mine is diagnosed with Breast cancer. Why is it all around me? I went on a ride with her last week, she literally said "I want to get in a workout tonight because I don't know how I'll feel after chemo". I was motivated to ride tonight, because I didn't have to go home and worry about my hair falling out, worried about getting sick, worried about being able to eat, worried about everything..When I left work today, I didn't hesitate to get changed and start riding. I felt blessed as I was able to ride today, I was thankful for being healthy and I was riding for those who couldn't. I'll continue to do my best to help bring awareness to all about these terrible diseases. Women out there please keep getting checked, pay attention to your body.. don't think "it's nothing" and don't be afraid.

peace and love

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