Pics of Katy

This is how it all started, I have friends that are supportive and friends that are competitive. At times I would think why can't we just do these events for fun? It was never like that with this group of gals, especially for Subrina. But the day we found out that Katy was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer we all became the supportive kind. It was a blow to us, we thought no way this could be happening. It's something we hear about, not live through. It's been a year and a half since Katy's diagnosis and we're left with her memories. But I know one thing Katy would be proud of, and that's the fact that we've all stayed friends and have made new ones along the way. Our mission is simple, it's to help spread awareness for early detection of Ovarian cancer. All of our friends will be doing events, runs, cycling, wine tasting, beerfests (hey competition is competition!) and along the way we'll be spreading the word.Stay tuned for what stories we learn along the way! Katy was an amazing, inspiring person who truely lived life to the fullest. We love and miss you much.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Postage Stamp

Unfortunately there have been too many people that have been affected by ovarian cancer. Within the last 5 years I've lost 2 people to the disease, and have been hearing more and more stories of people who have been affected. I came across this petition that was started to get an Ovarian Cancer Awareness Postage Stamp printed. It just goes to show the extents of what people will go through to help bring awareness to others.
Here's a chance for you to help by taking a few minutes to sign the petition.

Yay a Training Day!

We met in Fresno to get some riding time. Fresno is the mid-point for both Lisa and I, Lisa being from Sacramento and me living in the OC. Subrina was very accomodating, she moved all the furniture in her dinning room area to make room for the bikes

I was excited for Candi, because it was her first weekend on the road bike. She said she was nervous about it, I told her not to worry you're going to love riding. She said no I'm not nervous about riding, do I have to wear those shorts?? Needless to say she wore shorts over her biking shorts :) Once we had the wardrobe settled we were off for our ride!

I was thinking yay we're in Fresno, it's flat for days right? Ah no, not when Subrina is leading the pack. Regardless, it was a fantastic training day for all of us. We enjoyed spending time together, laughing, sharing, learning from each other.. love the people in my life.

Now that the riding is over, let's go eat! We met up with our friend Suzie, to enjoy some adult beverages, food and more good times.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Meet Subrina

Subrina, here with Katy getting ready for a ride. I have no idea why they're smiling. I'm sure they were off for some crazy long ride, with hills, and heat, and heat and hills.. things I just can't fathom.. Katy and Subrina got along so well because they were both crazy enough to try anything. Or shall I say Subrina would do just about anything that Katy wanted to try. Or maybe Subrina realized it was only Katy that could bring the interesting things that life has to offer. Let's do this ride.. let's do this run.. let's go here... let's go there regardless of what it was, Subrina was up for going with Katy. As you'll notice because she's in just about every picture, I now call her "waldo".. Thank you Katy for opening our minds to just say "why not?"

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Meet Candi

Candi with an "i" I mean just look at her in this pic with Katy (Candi on the left) she's so happy. Maybe because she was with Katy, Katy did have that affect on people. Maybe because Candi just finished running an 8k at the Bay to Breakers.. or maybe she's smiling because of all the naked people that were in the B2B??

They're probably smiling because Candi said I can't wait to have our cocktail hour and where are those chicken wings??

Katy was always trying to get Candi to get on the bike, Candi is the luckiest of us all because she now rides Katy's road bike.. representing her to the fullest.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Meet Lisa

Lisa.. gosh I don't even know where to start with her. That's her, with her "cheesy" smile on some event with Katy. I think her best quality is that she's a Yankee fan.. wait is that a quality?? Okay maybe that's not her best quality, but worth noting. Lisa is one of the most amazing, giving, stongest people I know. I just adore, respect, admire, love and appreciate her friendship.
She's a runner, which is funny when riding with her because she just stands and rides her bike like she's "running" on it. And of course kicks our butts up the hills. Lisa-Lis, as I call her, is a dear friend and I thank Katy for bringing us together.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Meet Maria

It was Maria's idea to do the ride in Moab (on the left with Katy). She had discussed it with Katy and said we could get all the "girls" to ride. Katy was always trying to get everybody to do these events with her. As we started talking to other people, more of them wanted to be involved in the ride. So we have Maria, Roseanne, Subrina, Candi, Christine, Jamie and myself that will be riding in Moab.

Thank you Maria, for bringing us all together on this ride. Katy would be so happy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Because I was able to

If you squint you can see the beautiful mountains at the end of the road. I love the mornings after a rain when I get to see the snow on the mountains. This morning I was thankful that I could ride because I was able to.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Love the days I open my eyes...

Some days I wake up and go through an entire day and not realize how I got to the end. Ever done that? As I was riding, through the Newport Beach backbay I noticed this bird checking people out, well it looked like it was in the same stance all the bird watchers are in when they're looking at the birds. (minus binoculars). The bird looked so peaceful, maybe I should pick up bird watching? So although this has nothing to do with raising awareness towards ovarian cancer, its about raising awareness of the old cliché find time to stop and smell the roses.

They say people come into your life for a reason so to this, I introduce to you she has helped me open my eyes to blogging. Oh and she would love to hear from you, at
Although I'm not new to technology, I'm new to blogging and sharing so openly. This blog was started so we can start sharing our journey of bringing awareness. But I think it'll become a place where we get to share so much more.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Meet my Valentine!

Thing about my bike is that gives me piece of mind, time to think, doesn't talk back, (unless chain rubs against derailleur ugh) but most importantly it gives me healthy moments, both mentally and physically.
As I was riding of course I thought of Katy, realizing that I think about her a lot lately. But today especially because she would pronounce this hallmark holiday as Valentimes day.. wish she was here for us to tease about it. I think she did it on purpose to get a laugh.. or maybe not, thing about it she didn't care, she was just herself. I wanted to share the smile that Katy gave me today.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yay I get to ride again.. no rain! Don't be fooled by the sun rays behind my head because today was very cold. For me wearing so many layers is an anomoly. I don't like to be hot when I ride, or run, or at anytime really, unless I can get into my bathing suit and drink skip and go nakeds! (more about skippies later)

We're training for a ride in Moab, Utah in March( , that will raise money for the Livestrong foundation which was one of Katy's favorite charities( Okay so.. tights check, arm warmers check, under shirt check, full fingered gloves check, cold weather check (well so cal cold), WHAT the heck am I going to do in Moab? I was wearing my "warm" clothes and was absolutely freezing today. Good thing I have a month to figure it out. =)

More to come...