All afternoon and the night before, everybody kept looking at the the climbing we would be doing. Stressing, complaining, stressing.. finally we said people!!.. there's no getting out of it so let's just enjoy this time we have together.. because after the climbing tomorrow we don't know what kind of shape you'll be in :)
Candi, Jamie, Christine, Subrina and I decided to do the 44 mile ride, instead of the 67 miles like Roseanna and Maria. Yeah the 44 miles was plenty for us "non-climbers". But the view was absolutely worth it! And to those gals who haven't been riding any hills.. 2 mile, 8% grade was a heck of an accomplishment. Enjoy the pics from along the way.
Me, Jamie, Christine & Subrina before we started up the hill.
Candi.. I did it!
Subrina, Jamie and Chrisine.. making up the hill.
Subrina really does think she's a superstar
I'm smiling thinking of the downhill we're about to do.
Team KatyStrong at the top of Dead Horse Point
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